What does TSPM mean?
TSPM stands for 'The Solo PM' - which is a play on 'solopreneur' and 'PM' for Product Manager (or Project Manager). Product Management thinking is central to TSPM Studio's approach towards web design and growth strategies.
What's the difference between Project Management and Product Management?
Let's take the example of a project manager who builds buildings. Once a given building is built, it's time to move on.
Now, think of any product you regularly use - solar panels, your email software, your smart phone, or even the search bar in your smartphone. Unlike projects, there's a whole post-development-and-launch life cycle that typically needs to be managed to ensure growth and ongoing commercial success.
Wait, so what's a Product Manager?
How is any of this relevant to running a business?
There's a great degree of skill overlap between starting a business/startup and the craft of Product Management. Product Managers are increasingly being appointed as CEOs for some of the world's biggest and most renowned companies.
Similarly, it's widely accepted that the founder/CEO of any business is typically its first 'product manager' in all but title - juggling multiple roles and responsibilities to keep things afloat. Similar to your phone, your business can be viewed as a product in its own right: a series of interconnected systems working in harmony to create value for its users/customers whilst sustaining those who are managing it.
The good news is that Silicon Valley’s finest have spent decades perfecting the craft of Product Management. Their frameworks and strategies are now within reach, giving you the tools to streamline, grow, and scale your business and maintain a competitive edge.